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UCNE celebrates a very succesful 2024 and wishes everyone a happy 2025!


The Catholic University of New Spain (UCNE) celebrates its achievements for a very successful 2024. A year full of activities, growth, and holistic improvement was capped by the crowning achievement of joining the prestigious QS Top Universities list. UCNE's programs are featured in detail with their respective curriculum maps. In 2024 the Catholic University of New Spain also achieved full institutional accreditation from the Agencia Internacional de Calidad Educativa (AICE).

In terms of curriculum offerings, UCNE opened several new programs in high demand fields such as strategic leadership and environmental management.

The University also signed an agreement with Accreditta to offer secure digital credentials with blockchain technology. From an administrative perspective, the University appointed a new vice rector for Spain and established the Bernardo de Galvez Cultural center to promote cultural exchanges between the Americas and Europe.

2025 is set to be an exciting year for the University both in terms of growth and innovation. All programs will issue digital credentials by the beginning of 2025 and new technological tools for teaching will be introduced. From an structural perspective, the University will appoint a new vice rector to oversee all of Europe, one to oversee activities in the Middle East, and a third one for Asia. Moreover, the Catholic University of New Spain will continue to cooperate with governmental and nongovernmental organizations to offer quality education that promotes sustainable development and growth. Our admissions policy will continue to be "invitation only" but it will be strengthened through an expansion of our board of advisors and practitioner-mentors, who will help the University identify suitable candidates for possible admission into our rigorous programs. The Honorable Michael Fridovich, Vice Mayor of Gulfport will continue to serve as Chancellor of the Catholic University of New Spain.

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